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The Force

Life and Teaching of the
Masters of the Far East

The room was exceedingly warm and cheery and one of our party asked where the heat came from. We all looked around but could not find a stove or any place where the heat came from, although there was a warm glow that was very noticeable.

Emil said, "The warmth that you feel in this room comes from a force that we are all able to contact and use. This force or power is higher than any of your mechanical force or power but can be contacted by man and used as light, heat, and power even to the driving of all mechanical appliances. It is what we call a Universal Force. If you were to contact and use this force, you would call it perpetual motion. We call it Universal Power, God Power, supplied by the Father to work for all His children. It will turn and move every mechanical device, furnish transportation without the consumption of fuel in any way, and will also furnish light and heat. It is everywhere present without money or price and can be contacted and used by all."

One of our party asked if the food had been prepared by this force. We were told that the food came prepared as we had eaten it, direct from the Universal, just the same as the bread and the other provisions had been supplied heretofore.

Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
by Baird T. Spalding

The Masters teach through example and clearly demonstrate how we could all lift ourselves and live lives that are for most of us beyond our wildest imagination. Yet it all begins with expanded vision and the development of our inner resources.