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The Effects of Changing and Clearing Karma

Changing and clearing karma is all about transformation of consciousness. Permanent results only come from a permanent change in consciousness, from a true change of heart, from a lesson learned.

You have an experience you don't like.  You don't want to have that experience again, and you commit yourself to think and act in ways that will bring you the experience you'd prefer to have in your life.  You choose to live from a higher state of consciousness - to live consciously, true to your higher wisdom, as best as you can, each moment of your life. If you find yourself sliding backwards, you return to this higher path, developing a habit to live a higher life.  As you  cultivate this higher state of consciousness with loving care, you discover that your whole life is changing, expanding, ever moving upward.

Assuming that you have decided to turn a new page in your life, to renew your mind and lift your heart by clearing karma, you can clear all kinds of difficulties in your life.  The obstacle in your life can simply melt and vanish into thin air.

A woman had a cancer and was given six months to live.  She went to a Buddhist monk.  He thought her to meditate, to empty her mind of all thoughts  and to rest in that state of consciousness.  Over the next six months, the cancer vanished.

In the consciousness of the limitless Self, all problems have already been solved and lifting your awareness to that state of consciousness, you let the pure consciousness express through your being, the consciousness in which any errors in judgment you might have made in the past, simply do not exist.

That is why the Scripture says "Thought your sins be scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow." (Isaiah 1:18)

In the beginning, each time you lift your awareness to that which is changeless and eternal within you, you dip yourself into that pure state of consciousness, and you rise above the troubles you may be experiencing in your life.

Eventually, through practice, you condition yourself to spend more and more time in this pure state of consciousness, because it feels so good, and because your life becomes more effortless.

Instead of worrying, you turn to your inner guidance and you always know what is the best thing for you to do. You always find yourself being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. You also know when you need to take action, and what kind of actions and when you should abstain from action.

Living life free from karma means that instead of making decisions with your limited human consciousness, you  live your life relying totally and completely upon the limitless consciousness of your being, allowing it to guide and express free through your physical body.  In the process, you allow more and more of your innate greatness to express in this world, discovering that day by day you are growing in peace, love, joy, compassion, wisdom and power.


Karma Clearing - Get a Clean Start

Monica enjoyed the excitement of buying anything her credit cards would allow.  As the consequences of living beyond her means eventually caught up with her, she decided to tighten her belt, stop using credit cards and pay off her debt.  One year later, in spite of her best efforts, living within her means and paying off as much of her debt as she could, she realized that the debt remained the same, and the only thing she was paying off was the interest.

Though her financial situation appeared hopeless, already taking care of it the only way she knew how, she put it out of her mind.  Instead, she kept her spirits up by turning within, centering herself on that which knows only of peace.  Inspired from within, she asked to live the life of "spiritual truth".

Within few weeks amazing thing happened.  Her debt miraculously disappeared.  All the records of her debt vanished from credit card bureaus and the banks that issued her credit cards, as if they never happened.  She  learned her lesson and got a clean start.

Changing Karma vs Clearing Karma

The word "karma" stands for the principle of causality, for the law of cause and consequence; in Scripture taught as "as you saw, so you shall reap" (Galatians 6:7), and popularized as "what goes around comes around";

When you think a thought, you set forces in motion that begin to actualize that thought in your experience.  You set the cause, the effect of which results in the experience of "karma".

What you do with that thought determines how your karma plays out.  Acting on the thought, strengthens it. Changing the thought, changes the karma. Lifting your awareness beyond the thoughts related to the phenomenal world clears and dissolves karma.

Different Kinds of Karma

Some spiritual traditions, like Hinduism, divide karma into different kinds according to when the seeds of karma were planted, how were they planted, and when the fruits of karma will ripen.

Regardless of when you might have created the karma, the moment of power is now. Right now, all of your past thoughts and actions, exist as mental impressions (samskaras) in your subconscious mind. Right now, you have access to all those past impressions that live in your subconscious mind. And right now, you have the power to change them, or to rise above them, as you choose.

If, like a spiritual adept, you look upon yourself as a being made out of consciousness, which uses the physical body as a vehicle of expression in this world, then you know that in order to change your karma, you only need to change your consciousness.  Right action will naturally follow.

The Ultimate Purpose of Life and Karma

The ultimate purpose of life is Self-Realization - discovering the true nature of your limitless being and living your daily life with full awareness from that state of consciousness.

The more you harmonize your consciousness with your true nature, with eternal changeless truths about your being, the more your thoughts and actions are rooted in the perception of oneness, and emanate out of feelings of love, gratitude and joy, the more your karma naturally changes for the better, and conditions in your life naturally heal and correct themselves.

Changing and Clearing Karma in Different Traditions

People live from different states of consciousness and understanding, and throughout history different spiritual traditions have devised different techniques to help people to change or clear karma.

In essence lifting your conscious awareness beyond the physical reality, whether by emptying your mind of any thoughts and focusing on the gap between the thoughts, or by focusing on any of the eternal truths is one way. That is the main purpose of meditation.

Another way is by repeating the word you have associated with the ultimate reality, the name of God, whether it be - "I AM" or "God" or any other name or a mantra like "Aum" that helps you to keep your awareness focused on that which is all-encompassing, changeless, eternal.  The "I AM" used here is correctly applied to your awareness of that which is all-encompassing, rather than associated with the physical body with which you may be currently identifying.

Prayer is another way. If you pray for a particular thing or condition, you are then praying for a change of karma.  Prayer for clearing karma, on the other hand is simply for the awareness of that which is all-encompassing, for the consciousness of light, of immortal "kingdom", "Thy will be done" kind of prayer, whereby you are dissolving the lesser into that which is greater,  trading the limited human consciousness for the awareness of your limitless  being.

The more physically inclined you feel, the more you may appreciate incorporating physical actions to help you to maintain the focus such as burning candles, or even twigs or a piece of paper on which you wrote all the karma you want to clear.  The physical act here symbolically stands for renunciation, for a change of heart and renewal of the mind, where you are committing yourself to act from a higher level of consciousness.

Fire has a powerful qualities of transformation, which is why it is popularly used to assist with the transformation in consciousness,whether through burning candles or through yagya or havan (a popular spiritual practice in India).  The outer fire symbolically represents the everlasting fire of the indwelling spirit.

Fumigation, burning incense like frankincense or smudging with sage leaves, is another popular way of transforming the energy.

Water has been likewise used in all kinds of rituals for purification, whether on its own or with addition of salt, like epsom salt or herbs like the hyssop and others, often with citrus scent like lemongrass, used in spiritual baths,  "limpias", or any other way of using water together with a prayer, chant, affirmations or meditation for cleansing.

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Karma Clearing mp3 Downloads
Exclusive Offer Expires May 9, 2014

Karma Clearing hypnosis recording contain various techniques for clearing karma.  The other recordings contain suggestions for clearing karma. Other appropriate recordings for changing and clearing karma are Forgiveness, and New History Generator.

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Karma Clearing


Background music: Deep

Karma Clearing

Supraliminal Plus

Background music: Rainforest

Karma Clearing

Affirmations with Supra Track

Background music: Ascension

Regular $24.95 - Special $14.95

Regular $24.95 - Special $19.95

Regular $27.95 - Special $19.95

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Karma Clearing

Supraliminal with Intro

Background music: Fugaz

Regular $19.95 - Special $12.95

Karma Clearing

Daytime Silent Supraliminal

Background music: Beginning

Regular $19.95 - Special $12.95

Karma Clearing

Nighttime Silent Supraliminal

Background music: Ocean

Regular $19.95 - Special $12.95

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Karma Clearing

Subliminal with Intro

Background music: Misty Morning

Regular $14.95 - Special $9.95

Karma Clearing

Daytime Silent Subliminal

Background music: Make a Wish

Regular $14.95 - Special $9.95

Karma Clearing

Night-time Silent Subliminal

Background music: Ocean

Regular $14.95 - Special $9.95


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