The words acne, pimples, and breakouts may cause many people to cringe when they hear it. The American Heritage Dictionary defines “acne” as an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face.
Acne is the result of four main events that take place in your body.
1. Your pores contain hair follicles. These hair follicles have sebaceous glands attached to them. The sebaceous glands produce sebum which is an oily mixture. Sebum is normally your skin’s friend in that it maintains your skin’s health and softness by lubricating it. However, sometimes dead skin cells attach to the sebum. These dead skin cells are known as keratinocytes. These keratinocytes then plug up your pores. This plug prevents additional sebum from coming out of your pores.
2. The keratinocytes have plugged up your pores. The sebum tries to help your skin out by producing more sebum. However, due to the plugged pore, the sebum has nowhere to go. This causes the constantly produced sebum to create a balloon.
3. The balloon of sebum builds up. Your body contains bacteria that are actually safe. Not all bacteria are bad. Many bacteria actually serve to protect your skin. However, while the sebum builds up in the plugged pore, the bacteria invade the sebum balloon. The bacteria then attack the sebum.
4. Your body tries to save your skin by attacking the bacteria. It does this by sending extra blood filled with antibodies and white corpuscles to the plugged pore. This blood creates an inflammation. The unfortunate side effect of this inflammation is that it causes your body to make even more acne. It is a viscous cycle.
Among the many possible cause of acne, some may be genetic, some based on improper nutrition, some on hormonal changes in the body, some on stress level, some on poor hygiene, and some on tight clothing.
While acne may be more common among teenagers due to hormonal changes in the body, they can affect anyone at any age. Acne may affect your self-esteem, mood and attitude just as much as your physical body. Acne breakouts cause you to feel self conscious and try to cover up your acne. You also may skip out on activities because you are embarrassed by your acne.
Research has shown that acne may clear up 20 - 100% faster when relaxation techniques like hypnosis are added to conventional treatments. Hypnosis can help you to improve your skin tone from within, on a cellular level. Hypnosis can also help you to reduce stress, improve mood and program your mind with healthy nutritional choices that contribute to having an acne-free skin.
For best results I recommend that you work with Clear Skin - Freedom From Acne hypnosis CD once a day, and then in your spare time you can listen to subliminal, supraliminal or supraliminal plus recordings or simply have them playing in the background while you are doing other things. These recordings may improve your life on many different levels, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Clear Skin - Freedom from Acne
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