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NLP Hypnosis
Coaching and Mentoring Sessions

ONLINE NLP Coaching, Mentoring,
Hypnosis Sessions

You are facing a challenge and you need help to resolve it. You have found yourself against an obstacle that seems bigger than you. You want to be free from the obstacle, so that you can get to live the life you want.

Perhaps you've already tried what you know how to do, but you're still stuck in the same situation. Or you know that you can reach your goals much faster, but you don't know how. Maybe you just need someone to bounce ideas and explore new possibilities.

You know you could benefit from some coaching and mentoring, someone to help you bounce off ideas, someone who can help you to access the answers that are already hidden within you, someone who can show you few tricks and guide you through mental techniques that can help you to use the power of your mind effectively.

Here are few good questions to ask yourself before scheduling an online session:

1. What is it that you desire to accomplish?

2. What have you already tried that would bring you closer to the fulfillment of your goal?

3. Where do you feel stuck and could benefit from receiving help?

4. How much would that help be worth to you in improving the quality of your life and moving you closer to the fulfillment of your goal?

Case histories:

Jim opened a natural healing treatment practice offering acupuncture, tuina and herbal treatments. He wasn't making enough money to keep his practice going and was getting into deeper and deeper debt borrowing money just to pay the bills. NLP Coaching sessions helped him to get out of debt and establish a successful private practice, doing the work he loves.

Martha couldn't stop eating. She was getting rounder and rounder and was perplexed because she noticed her boyfriend eying other women. Her boyfriend also made an occasional comment that she should eat less. Martha knew she had to do something about her weight. She also knew what she was supposed to do, but found herself helpless to do it on her own. NLP Coaching sessions helped her to gain control over her eating habits, adopt a healthy lifestyle, drop 43 lbs and get married to the man she loved.

David wanted to increase his height. He felt that if he were just a little bit taller he'd have better opportunities in life. He said he believed that he could use the power of his mind to increase the height of his body. He was using the Grow Taller program but needed a little bit of help in getting the knack of the entire process and to be sure that he was doing it right and didn't miss anything. NLP Coaching sessions helped him to add 4 inches to his height.

Kim worked in an organization surrounded by people who enjoyed intimidating others. She described her workplace as "a den of energy vampires". She felt drained and was frequently getting physically sick. She was also getting seriously depressed. NLP Coaching sessions helped her to get back her life, energy and health.

You may be in a similar situation, where your life, your sanity, your health, your financial situation, or romantic relationship, can be saved and improved through an online NLP coaching, mentoring and hypnosis session.

You could experience the weight that is dragging you down falling off your shoulder, and your back. You could experience the chains that are keeping you tied down to a seemingly hopeless situation melting. You could experience rocks and walls on your path dissolving. You can discover and follow the light in the tunnel and find your way to freedom and to realization of your goals.

Scheduling Online Session

To schedule an online
coaching, mentoring, NLP or hypnosis
50 min session CLICK HERE

1 online 50 min session - $120. This is the most popular choice.

To schedule an online
coaching, mentoring, NLP or hypnosis
25 min session CLICK HERE

1 online 25 min session - $60.

To schedule an online
coaching, mentoring, NLP or hypnosis
10 min session CLICK HERE

1 online 10 min session - $25.

You can receive online session through phone, skype (audio or text) or email. Text messages are only appropriate for coaching and mentoring sessions.

When scheduling a session, email me your name, age, e-mail, phone, address, and the issue you would like to resolve through session.

Hypnosis / NLP Sessions
in Person

Hypnosis / NLP Sessions in Person allow for more mind and energy techniques which cannot be done as effectively through online sessions or recordings.

Hypnosis sessions are held in Toronto at

Healing Arts Centre
717 Bloor St. West, Toronto
closest intersection - Bloor and Christie
Christie subway station

To schedule in-person
NLP hypnosis, coaching or mentoring
50 min session CLICK HERE

1 in-person 50 min NLP Hypnosis session - $200.

To schedule in-person
NLP hypnosis, coaching or mentoring
90 min session CLICK HERE

1 in-person 90 min NLP Hypnosis session - $300.

While some issues may be resolved in 1 session, long-standing issues and permanent changes may require several sessions.

Free Resources and Generic CDs and mp3s

You can find a lot of free tips and resources by subscribing to free Deep Trance Now newsletter, downloading free mp3s and browsing through the newsletter article archive.

You can find all kinds of generic CDs and mp3s that can help you to overcome challenges listed on the hypnosis product page. Recordings are frequently updated and as they become update you can receive free upgrades for the recordings you have purchased.