An ascended being is a perfected being. All perfections comes from the Light of God. As you practice letting only the Light of God to express through you, you become perfected being. In the process you overcome the outer world by conquering your human imperfections and limitations and you raise the body into the Light.
The Bible mentions Enoch and Elijah as two beings who have ascended. Western alchemy mentions St. Germain and Nicholas Flammel. In India, one of the most well-known in the West is Mahavatar Babaji mentioned in the Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. In China, these perfected beings are known as immortals.
The Bible points out how eventually the last "enemy" - death will be overcome. During the process of ascension, the body becomes spiritualized, translated, ascended or raised into the Light, instead of leaving it behind.
The Ascension hypnosis recording guides you through the process of raising the body into the Light. The other recordings in the series contain positive affirmations for ascension.
This set of recordings will be most suitable for people who are already familiar with the process of ascension by reading about ti and studying it. These recordings may be also suitable for anyone who is intensely engaged in spiritual practice and is pursuing God-realization (Self-realization) and has put God on the first place in his life.
Those who chose to live their lives led by the Spirit rather than by flesh are the best candidates for these recordings. A person calling himself spiritual, but who is unwilling to surrender his mind, heart, body and life totally and completely to the indwelling Spirit and live a life lead by God, may not profit much from these recordings.
Ascension is, after all, the final step in the earthly evolution - kind of like a graduation. It is for those who are ready and willing to let go of earthly attachments and live for the Spirit, walking in the Light.
Deep Trance Now Hypnosis CDs and mp3 downloads
All Deep Trance Now recordings are enhanced with brainwave entrainment (either binaural beats or isochronic tones), to make your subconscious mind more receptive to suggestions. However, except on brainwave entrainment recordings per se, the brainwave entrainment on recordings on this page is subtle and may have milder effect.
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Ascension Hypnosis 1 CD - $24.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here |
Ascension Hypnosis with Embedded Subliminal Track 1 CD - $29.95 |
Ascension Hypnosis with Embedded Supraliminal Track 1 CD - $34.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here |
Ascension Subliminal with Audible Intro Suggestions 1 CD - $14.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Daytime Silent Subliminal 1 CD - $14.95 | |
Ascension Nighttime Silent Subliminal Sleep Programming 1 CD - $14.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Supraliminal with Audible Intro Suggestions 1 CD - $19.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Daytime Silent Supraliminal 1 CD - $19.95 | |
Ascension Nighttime Silent Supraliminal Sleep Programming 1 CD - $19.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Empowering Affirmations 1 CD - $17.95 | |
Ascension Empowering Affirmations with Embedded Subliminal Track 1 CD - $22.95 | |
Ascension Empowering Affirmations with Embedded Subliminal and Supraliminal Tracks 1 CD - $27.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Supraliminal Plus 1 CD - $24.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Subliminal 2 CDs - $29.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Supraliminal 2 CDs - $34.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Supraliminal Plus 2 CDs - $39.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal Plus 3 CDs - $49.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 3 CDs - $54.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 4 CDs - $64.95 | |
Ascension Hypnosis + Empowering Affirmations + Subliminal + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 5 CDs - $79.95 |