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Beyond Human
by Jaden Rose Phoenix
In this book Jaden shares many exercises to help you to expand your consciousness, embrace your limitless self, let go of fear and experience your personal power.
Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention
by Penny Peirce
Here Penny shares ideas on how to expand your perception, how to unlearn old habits, develop new ones, and how to develop new attention skills for the Intuition Age.
by Penny Peirce
In this book Penny details how by changing your personal vibration, you can change your experience of reality.
The Nature of Personal Reality
by Seth
This book contains many great insights about how we shape our reality, how we always have a choice, and why we may be experiencing challenging situations in our lives. Once you understand how are you shaping your experience of reality, you can create the life you desire to live.
Brain Magick
by Philip H. Farber
This book has variety of techniques which combine magick, yoga, self-hypnosis, NLP and neuro-science. Phillips shares about 70 exercises that illustrate the principles of neuroscience and magick to infuse your life with purpose, passion, and excitement.

Instant Magick
by Christopher Penczak
Instant magick is a technique to create the change in your life in the simplest way possible - by using the power of your will - you intend something to happen and it does. This is modern spellcraft without any magical tools. |

The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self-Defense
by Christopher Penczak
What are the symptoms of psychic or magic attack? How to practice psychic hygiene? Become a psychic black belt - learn how to create amulets, perform banishing rituals and guardian spells. |

Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection
by Draja Mickaharic
Draja discusses the magical properties of the water, herbs, herbal combinations, and variety of items, like eggs, which can be used to remove negative energies and create psychic protection. |

The Future Is Yours, Do Something About It
by Raymon Grace
Raymon's metaphysical background involves Native American techniques and dowsing, among others and this book focuses on using dowsing to transform the energy of undesirable conditions. As Raymon keeps saying "It's amazing what you can do, when you don't know that you can't." |

Kybalion: A Study of Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
by Three Initiates
Here are the seven universal principles, the seven laws of nature - including the law of attraction. These principles always work, and once you understand them, you can apply them to manifest whatever you desire in your life. |
Initiation Into Hermetics
by Franz Bardon
Initiation into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his existence for the better. |
The Intuitive Way
by Penny Peirce
When intuition is in full bloom, life takes on a magical, effortless quality; your world is suddenly full of synchronicities, creative insights, and abundant knowledge. Through an easy-to-understand ten-step course, The Intuitive Way shows you how to enter that state of perceptual aliveness and integrate it into daily life to achieve greater natural flow.
Sorcerer's Apprentice
by Tahir Shah
Incredibly fun to read, in this travelogue through India Tahir reveals how to produce all kinds of seeming miracles by creating illusion. You'll learn how to produce vibhutti (holy ash) from the palm of your hand, how to turn a rod into snake like Pharaoh's magicians did in the Bible, and many more. Get ready for an adventure.
Magical Use of Thought Forms: A Proven System of Mental and Spiritual Empowerment
by Dolores Aschcroft-Nowicki, J. Brennan
Mrs. Ashcroft-Nowicki and Mr. Brennan have put together a true workbook for those interested in the advanced magical work.
Making Talismans: Living Entities of Power
by Nick Farrell
A talisman, amulet, or charm is any physical object that stores and radiates a magical energy to create change. A metallic disk, stone, wand, sword, pen, paper, or television remote control can be a talisman provided that it is dedicated toward a "magical purpose." |