Breastfeeding provides babies with more than physical nutrition - it helps them to feel loved, protected, taken care of. Babies who are breast fed tend to be much happier, well-adjusted, and enjoy better health. Study shows it even increases baby's IQ ...

Breastfeeding increases child's IQ
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that breastfed infants tested 5.2 IQ points higher than formula fed infants, for a comprehensive study involving 11 different studies and over 7000 children.
The study, to be published in the October edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition was performed by University of Kentucky nutritionist James Anderson.
"Our study confirms that breast-feeding is accompanied by about a five-points higher IQ than in bottle-fed infants," Anderson said.
Within that increase, Anderson and associates were able to separate the benefits from mother-infant bonding from the purely nutritional benefits of human milk.
"Our best estimates are that maternal bonding and the decision to breast-feed account for about 40 percent of that increase, but that 60 percent -- 3.2 points -- are related to the actual nutritional value of the breast milk," he said.
The link between breast-feeding and brain development has been well established in recent years, but the reasons for it remain controversial. Some researchers believe the link is based on the fact that well-educated, wealthier women breast-feed far more than poor and less educated women. Consequently, breast-fed children will be found to test better for all the reasons that wealthier children from high social classes test better on standardized tests. But others believe there are chemicals in breast milk that encourage brain development, and that those chemicals are now absent in formula. In particular, extensive research is under way into the effects of several Omega-3 fatty acids -docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) - that are prevalent in breast milk but absent in infant formula.
Therefore Anderson's group weighed and subtracted 15 factors from their study, such as maternal smoking and education, birth weight, birth order and family income. After all these factors were removed, the researchers still found that breast-fed babies tested 3.1 IQ points higher than formula-fed babies!
Mother's feelings influence the flow of milk
While government recommenda that women breastfeed for six month, and even for a year and longer, many women stop breastfeeding within six weeks. While many desire to breastfeed longer many struggle with it.
The emotional state of the woman has a great influence on her milk flow. Wome who feel more anxious and worried about breastfeeding, those who feel more stressed and are unsure whether they are producing enough milk may turn to baby formulas because it's more convenient and because they can measure the amount of milk they are giving their babies.
Extroverted mothers are also more likely to begin and to keep breastfeeding that introverted ones, partly because the extroverted ones feel more comfortable in joining the support groups and the introverted ones may feel shy and pressured by family members to use the formula, sometimes so the woman wouldn't expose her breasts.
How can hypnosis help you to increase milk flow
Our thoughts have power effect upon our bodies. Stress and anxiety may adversely affect and even stop the production of milk. This fact, though, seems to be more familiar to farmers than to nursing mothers - as even farmers have learned that whispering tender words and sending loving energy to cows tends to greatly increase the production of milk.
Most people are aware that even they vividly imagine biting into and sucking a lemon, their salivary glands will begin to secrete. In the same way, our imagery affects all other glands in our bodies, including milk producing glands.
The main function of breasts is to produce milk for the baby. Each breast has milk producing glands that make milk from the nutrients they take from bloodstream. What the nursing mother eats will also affect the quality and the quantity of milk.
Breastfeeding hypnosis CD guides you through the imagery that helps to stimulate your milk glands and increase the flow of milk in your breasts.
Affirmations, subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus recordings contain only direct suggestions - without the imagery - and while they can work well on their own, they can work even better as boosters to hypnosis recordings.

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Breastfeeding Empowering Affirmations with Embedded Subliminal Track 1 CD - $22.95 | |
Breastfeeding Empowering Affirmations with Embedded Subliminal and Supraliminal Tracks 1 CD - $27.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Breastfeeding Supraliminal Plus 1 CD - $24.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
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Breastfeeding Hypnosis + Supraliminal 2 CDs - $34.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Breastfeeding Hypnosis + Supraliminal Plus 2 CDs - $39.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Breastfeeding Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal Plus 3 CDs - $49.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Breastfeeding Hypnosis + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 3 CDs - $54.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Breastfeeding Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 4 CDs - $64.95 | |
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