Many people email me asking, "What should I do?"
Some are perplexed due to relationship troubles, some due to financial troubles, some are stressed out of their minds due to constant pressure to learn more whether for school, university or on the job.
The world we live in constantly changes - people change as they grow older, technology changes, the way things are done change - and we have to keep up with the changes and with the avalanche of new information.
Within your mind is the key to your success. You can program your subconscious mind, and you can access your superconscious or universal mind.
You can access the information you learned at some point, but might have forgotten, and you can access resources that you didn't even know you have available.
When you open your mind anything becomes possible for you to accomplish. You may get inspired to do things you never thought were within your reach.
Imagine if you could:
- always know what is the best thing to do in any situation
- learn rapidly anything you wanted to learn at any age
- have perfect memory and recall
- come up with creative solutions to perplexing problems
- effortlessly grasp new and complex information
- be resourceful in any situation
- unleash more and more of your inner brilliance each day.
Is Brain Really Necessary?
Brittish neurologist John Lorber, while working with victims of brain disorder known as hydrocephalus (water on the brain), in which the excessive fluid builds up, which often leads to retardation, examined a young man with an enlarged head.
The young man showed no signs of hydrocephalus and was leading a normal life. He graduated from college with honors in mathematics and had an IQ of 126. CAT scan of his brain showed that instead of having a normal 3 pound brain, he had only a thin layer of about 1 mm of brain cells (less than 1 tenth of an inch) which amounted to about 50 - 150 gr or a couple of ounces of brain tissue, and the rest of his skull was filled with cerebral fluid.
That may be an example of the power of the mind to have even drastically reduced brain carry out its commands.
Start a day with a positive mindset
open to amazing possibilities!
Brilliant Mind - Unleash Your Inner Brilliance
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