The Principle of Faith
Now I shall try to unfold the great principle of "FAITH" as it was revealed to me after two full years of constant prayer and seeking.It came in such dynamic power, when I was least expecting it, and the very light of it lifted me from the floor, and my feet seemed not to touch the earth for many days.I was reading a book when my eyes fell upon these words:"There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of the world, upon which ALL blessings are predicated, and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
That sentence was like a key in my hand that opened the door to the great storehouse of eternal knowledge, and the power of creation and the law of fulfillment.I had read it many times before in my life and was already quite familiar with it, but it had never, upon previous readings, filled my soul with a living fire of divine light and knowledge.
It was when the principle of faith began to unfold and the way to use it that I was shown that there is "a" law, just ONE law upon which all blessings are predicated.
The law is: That all things MUST produce after their own kind - that this production follows the planting; the growth and harvest are also part of the law.This principle of production is the law of nature.More!It is the eternal law of God, irrevocable, unchangeable.
The most subtle garden is the one within each man's soul.There is fertile soil capable of producing anything, any power, any accomplishment. Man has but to desire to prepare the soil.THOUGHTS ARE SEEDS.They are living, vital things that will bring forth each after its kind - yea, many fold more than the tiny seed planted, or the thought released.Desire is the heat that generates the seed and gives it power to reach up.
"I hold it
true that thoughts are things,
They're endowed
with bodies and breath and wings,
And that we
send them forth to fill
The world with
good results or ill.
That which we
call our secret thought
Speeds forth to
earth's remotest spot,
Leaving its
blessings or its woes
Like tracks
behind it as it goes.
We build our
future thought by thought,
For good or
ill, yet know it not.
Yet, so the
universe was wrought.
Thought is
another name for fate;
Choose then thy
destiny and wait,
For love brings
love and hate brings hate."
- Ella Wheeler Wicox
And again:
"You never
can tell what a thought will do
In bringing you
hate or love;
For thoughts
ARE things, and their airy wings
Are swifter
than carrier dove.
They follow the
law of the universe,
Each things
creates its kind,
And they speed
o'er the track to bring you back
Whatever went
out from your mind."
Man's great dominion, his superiority over the animals is his "imagination", his power to visualize.Man is continually visualizing greater things, and greater things are being produced.But the greatest seed of all has not yet been planted in man's mind, or if it has, it is promptly choked out by doubts and fears (weeds).And the greatest seed is the thought that man himself can reach any height.
As we plant the seeds, they produce after their own kind and return unto us.It is the law given before the foundation of the world.The law is the only one given that will produce anything, whether it be grain, inventions, plenty, or perfection in an individual, it is the same.
First is the planting of the seeds.Then man's part is to keep out the weeds of fears and doubts, knowing that the law cannot fail.He must cultivate it.But otherwise he must keep his human hands out, knowing that only God can make that seed grow.He must also remember that the law is irrevocable.It cannot err.And if the seed is planted it will produce.