Joseph Murphy visited a man in prison in Nw York State. The first thought in the mind of this man was freedom. The prisoner was very bitter and cynical. He had placed himself in prison by his actions against society which were contrary to the golden rule. He was actually living in a psychological prison of hatred and envy.
Joseph Murphy gave him detailed instructions on how to change his mental attitude. The man began to pray for those he hated by affirming frequently, "God's love flows through them, and I wish success and happiness and peace for all of them." He continued to do this many times a day.
At night, prior to sleep, he imagined himself at home with his family. He would feel his little daughter in his arms and hear her voice saying, "Welcome, Daddy." All this was done in his imagination. After a while he made this so real, natural, and vivid that it became a part of him. He had impregnated his subconscious with the belief in freedom.
Another interesting thing happened; he had no further desire to pray for his freedom. This was a sure psychological sign to him that he had embodied the desire for freedom subjectively. He was at peace, and though he was behind bars, he knew subjectively that he was free. It was an inner knowing. Having realized the desire subjectively, he had no further desire to pray about it.
Some weeks passed by, and he was liberated from prison. Friends had come to his rescue, new evidence was submitted on his behalf, and through the proper channels, the doors was opened to him for a new life.
» ref. The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power by Joseph Murphy