If you want to remain healthy, vigorous, and strong, you have to realize that there is but One Power, indivisible, and Its source is Love. This Power has no opposition. It is the omnipotent Life Principle that has overcome every opposition in this world and It goes on conquering and is forever victorious. Realize that you are one with this God-Power. You are aligned with It now, and mighty forces will come to your aid.
Love is Always Outgoing
Love must have an object. Love is an emotional attachment. You can fall in love with music, art, a great project, a cause, or with your ideal. You can become emotionally attracted to the eternal verities. You can become absorbed and engrossed in science and many other things.
Einstein loved the principle of physics and it revealed its secrets to him. That is what love does. Astronomers fall in love with the science of astronomy, and they are constantly revealing the secrets of the heavens to us.
Love of God and What It Means
The words God and good are synonymous. When you mentally and emotionally unite with honesty, integrity, justice, good will, and happiness, you are loving God, because you are loving that which is good. You are loving God when you are fascinated, absorbed, and captivated by the great truth that God is One and Indivisible and there are no divisions or quarrels in It.
To love God is to give your allegiance, loyalty, and devotion to the One Power, refusing to recognize any other power in the world. When you definitely recognize and completely accept in your mind that God really is omnipotent, in the most practical, literal, and matter-of-fact manner, you are loving god, because you are loyal to the One Power.
Sit down quietly at times and think over this vital, interesting, fascinating, and greatest of all truths that God is the only Power and that everything we can be aware of is part of His self-expression.
Love's Healing Balm
The following is a wonderful prayer for casting out fear. Affirm these truths frequently, and you will find that an inner sense of peace and tranquility will come over you.
The love of God flows through me now. I am surrounded by the peace of God, and all is well. Divine love surrounds, enfolds, and encompasses me. This Infinite love is inscribed in my heart and written in my inward parts. I radiate love in thought, words, and deeds. Love unifies and harmonizes all the powers, attributes, and qualities of God within me. Love means joy, peace, freedom, bliss and praise. Love is freedom. It opens prison doors and sets free all the captives. I am radiating love towards all, for everyone represents the love of God. I salute the Divinity in the other. I know and believe that Divine love heals me now. Love is a guiding principle in me. It brings into my experience perfect, harmonious relationships.
God is love.
"He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in Him."
» ref. The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power by Joseph Murphy