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Lucid dreaming enables you to access deeper levels of mind for the purpose of programming your subconscious mind, mastering new skills and abilities, living out your fantasies and exploring different realms of consciousness.
There are two ways of dreaming lucidly - one is maintaining awareness and shifting your consciousness from the outer dimension of experience to the inner dimension of dreams. Here you intentionally induce dream state, pretty much the same way you access deeper levels of mind in hypnosis. However, if you are new to hypnosis and if you don't have any experience with meditation, it may take a while to train your mind to remain alert while you're drifting into sleep.
Another way of inducing lucid dreaming is by allowing yourself to fall asleep and then waking up within a dream, realizing that you are dreaming, that you have shifted into another dimension of experience where everything you can imagine, you can experience instantly, where time and space are no obstacles.
Hypnotic post-suggestions have proven very effective in programming your mind with a dream symbol that will alert you to the fact that you are dreaming - one such symbol may be flying in your dreams.

Lucid dreaming hypnosis recording is designed to guide you through both processes - of accessing lucid dreaming consciously and with establishing post-hypnotic suggestion that will alert you that you are dreaming, should you lose awareness and fall asleep half-way to your lucid dreaming. It is also designed to help you to maintain lucidity in your dream, instead of waking up upon realization that you are dreaming.
Lucid dreaming subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus recordings are designed to help you to realize that you are dreaming and to become lucid after you're asleep. The messages on this recording are placed above the level of your conscious awareness and even though you cannot hear them consciously, your subconscious mind, the dreaming part of your mind will hear them and will alert you to the fact that you are dreaming.
Brainwave entrainment recording can also help you to remember that you are lucid dreaming by helping you to become mentally alert after you fall asleep.
After you master the ability to dream lucidly, all that it will take for you to have lucid dreams is intent - decision that you will dream lucidly when you fall asleep and/or if you have mastered the ability to enter deeper levels of mind while remaining mentally alert, you'll be able to simply drift into dream-state and remain lucid while dreaming.
The difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection is that during lucid dreaming you become lucid in your dream and you control the content of your dreams, and during astral projection you dissolve the dream and continue with out of body experience, so if you want to proceed to experience of astral projection, you can either remember to dissolve the dream, when you become lucid, or get Astral Projection set here.

Lucid Dreaming
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Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis 1 CD - $24.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis with Embedded Subliminal Track 1 CD - $29.95 |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis with Embedded Supraliminal Track 1 CD - $34.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here |
Lucid Dreaming Subliminal with Audible Intro Suggestions 1 CD - $14.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
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Lucid Dreaming Supraliminal with Audible Intro Suggestions 1 CD - $19.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
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Lucid Dreaming Nighttime Silent Supraliminal Sleep Programming 1 CD - $19.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
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Lucid Dreaming Empowering Affirmations with Embedded Subliminal Track 1 CD - $22.95 | |
Lucid Dreaming Empowering Affirmations with Embedded Subliminal and Supraliminal Tracks 1 CD - $27.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Lucid Dreaming Supraliminal Plus 1 CD - $24.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
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Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis + Subliminal 2 CDs - $29.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis + Supraliminal 2 CDs - $34.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis + Supraliminal Plus 2 CDs - $39.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal Plus 3 CDs - $49.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 3 CDs - $54.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 4 CDs - $64.95 | |
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