All Deep Trance Now CDs and mp3s come with their own music. However, if you would prefer to have different background music on your recording, you can order customized background music.
Steps to order Deep Trance Now Customized Background Music:
1. Order a Deep Trance Now CD or mp3 from the selection on the product pages. You can also order background music for a recording you have purchased earlier.
2. Choose the background music from the selections listed on the pages below.
Click on "add to cart" button to add the customized music of your choice to your Deep Trance Now affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal or supraliminal plus CDs or MP3s.
Each recording with customized background music is $10.
If you desire to customize more recordings, you can change the quantity in the cart.
3. Email me at to let me know your choices.
Listen to Background Music Samples
depending on the speed of your Internet connection)