Trained mind can accomplish anything. Untrained mind can accomplish very little. For that reason, all esoteric traditions have given a lot of thought to mind-training exercises that can help people get the most out of using their mind-power.
The focus of this series of recordings is on training your mind the esoteric way. You may get the most out of your mind if you incorporate what you learn here with some NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques, as they have their own value in accelerating the progress you make. However, the focus of NLP is quite different.
The exercises in this series begin with the basic training in the use of all your your senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste), until you can experience them in your inner world as vividly and as real as if they were actually present in your outer world.
The secret of successful self-hypnosis, prayer, or any other type of use of mind-power, depends on your ability to experience your desired outcome as if it were real for you now. It is not enough to just imagine it, but you must feel the reality of it, with all of your senses - you must be able to concentrate and focus upon your outcome to the exclusion of everything else for the time being and as you focus deeply, you become absorbed by the subject of your focus and eventually you become it within you and then the outer world merely reflects it for you.
The series follows with the mind-exercises for development of your ability to transfer your consciousness to any part of your body, experiencing yourself as if you are in effect that part of your body and allowing everything else to fade from your awareness.
All esoteric practice is focused on playing with energy, with life-force. In order to play with it, in order to manipulate it, you must first be able to feel it. Then you must learn how to generate it and how to project it, with your mind, whether you desire to create an effect in your own body or somewhere outside of your body.
The following part of the mind-training exercises deals with mastering the ability to transfer your consciousness outside of your body - into an inanimate object, into a plant, into an animal, into another human being or into a higher-evolved spiritual being.
You can use these abilities to create desired changes in your body, in your life, to gather information, to gain insight, to gain new learnings and wisdom, to help heal yourself and others, and to influence others remotely.
Super Mind 1

Super Mind 1 Hypnosis program will guide you through a variety of mental exercises which will help you to effectively use each of your senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) when working on your goals with self-hypnosis.
Subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus programs are designed to impress suggestions for enhancing your ability to use all of your senses effectively while using self-hypnosis, directly upon your subconscious mind.
Super Mind 2

Super Mind 2 Hypnosis program will guide you through mental exercises for transferring your consciousness to different parts of your body. You will also learn how to generate vital energy.
Subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus programs are designed to impress corresponding suggestions directly upon your subconscious mind.
Super Mind 3

Super Mind 3 Hypnosis program will guide you through mind exercises for projecting your consciousness outside of your body - into an inanimate object, into a plant, into an animal, into another person, and into highly evolved spiritual being - for the purposes of gathering information, gaining new learnings and wisdom, or healing.
Subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus programs are designed to impress corresponding suggestions directly upon your subconscious mind.
Super Mind
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Super Mind 1 - 3 Hypnosis 3 CDs - $69.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Subliminal 3 CD - $42.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Supraliminal 3 CD - $54.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Supraliminal Plus 3 CD - $69.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Hypnosis + Subliminal 6 CDs - $99.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Hypnosis + Supraliminal 6 CDs - $119.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Hypnosis + Supraliminal Plus 6 CDs - $134.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal Plus 9 CDs - $154.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Hypnosis + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 9 CDs - $174.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here | |
Super Mind 1 - 3 Hypnosis + Subliminal + Supraliminal + Supraliminal Plus 12 CDs - $194.95 For INSTANT DOWNLOAD click here |