Some psychologists estimate that over 80% of people are in some way influenced by discarnate entities. These entities range from those who have lived as humans to a variety of entities who were never human. The attachments may be intentional or unintentional. They entities may be benevolent, malevolent [demonic possession] or neutral.
It is kind of sad, but true, that a lot of people who pass on and leave their bodies are not actually aware that they have undergone a transition we call "death". This is even more often the case with people who died in accidents. They may be aware that something happened, but feeling very much alive just as they did before the accident, they may not believe that they don't have physical bodies any more. If deceased relatives come to assist them to move onward, they may actually run away in fear of the "dead" relative. One could say that the whole problem is due to lack of appropriate information and erroneous teachings they received while they were in physical bodies. No one ever told them what would happen to them once they die, or the information they received was very different from what they're experiencing, so they find it challenging to accept what happened to them.
Sometimes a deceased person may remain earthbound [earthbound spirits, ghosts] due to certain addiction. A person who liked to drink, upon dying, may charge to the nearest bar. The problem is now he doesn't have a physical body, so the only way to satisfy the urge for alcohol is by possessing someone else's body. The same thing happens with any other addiction or craving - whether it's for sex, cigarettes, ice-cream, drugs or anything else. Sometimes, the possessing person may be so upset with someone who wronged him that he doesn't want to leave until he gets the chance to dish out the revenge.
The most common environments where possessions occur are hospitals, graveyards, funeral homes, battle-fields - in short where a lot of people die or are likely to congregate due to certain craving or addiction.
Sometimes people get possessed by actually in some way inviting the possessor - it was such a common experience while people had some fun with playing with ouija boards that some bookstores have ceased selling them. Feelings of sadness, depression, despair, longing, desire to surrender the responsibility for your life to someone else may all serve as a form of invitation - though sometimes the invitation is pretty much clear and open when people just for fun of it (or out of despair) choose to make contracts with questionable entities in exchange of something they'd like to get the easy way, only to find themselves duped.
Sometimes a person may get possessed by a fragment of deceased person's energy which may occur during organ transplants.
The sign of possession is often a notable difference in character, taste, life-style, certain preferences that came out of blue - a person may begin to express cravings he never had before (for specific food, alcohol, drugs, sex or anything else), a person's behavior may dramatically change for no obvious reason, a person may completely change a circle of friends or interests in life. Sometimes the possessed person has an idea that something's wrong or different, other times his friends may make remarks about the dramatic changes. The person may also have wild mood swings.
Sometimes people who struggled for years with weight-loss or some addiction would be rid of excess weight or addiction as soon as the possessing entity was released.

About Deep Trance Now Spirit Releasement Hypnosis Program
Spirit Releasement Program is a compassionate program intended to assist the attached entity to leave and go where it belongs. A lot of the entities who attach themselves are ignorant of their situation and may be reluctant to leave due to fear of what is awaiting them. The program is intended to release the possessing entity and to help the entity in its own evolution. In this respect it is different that typical exorcism techniques and rituals, which tend to threaten the entity with fire and brimstone. With this recording you will part in amicable way with the possessing entity. A side benefit is that you will have nothing to fear and you will learn how to effectively protect yourself from any other possible intrusions.
Together with the Spirit Releasement CD, you will also receive a classic book on spirit depossession "30 Years Among the Dead" (in electronic format). While this book is very informative and entertaining to read, it will also remove any fear of death you may have ever had - as you realize that there is only life (on this side and on the other). This book may also help you to enhance the quality of your life, while still in the physical body.

Spirit Releasement
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